Cliodhna is an Irish cartoonist, animator and printmaker with a first name that few people outside of Ireland can pronouce or spell.  Her parents named her after a lifeboat on the Arann Islands where she was born for which she feels slightly jibbed as boats are usually named after people not the other way around.  She studied animation in Dublin and Cartooning in New York.  She exhibits at several small/alternative press comic shows each year and has run an annual 24 hour comic event in Dublin since 2006.  She currently works and lives in Kilkenny with her two cats, Joda and Jack.  Her work can be see at


For me, manga is deeply related to my experiences and the manga I create is a mean to record my memories and feelings. I see manga as a great way of to be challenged by new experiences and people. Since I was a child I have always liked to draw pictures and would draw on papers spread all over the house. I had already started reading manga by the time I entered primary school. I would draw scenes from the stories we studied during language class; pictures of local characteristics and clothing from the eras in my social studies class; the results of experiments in science class and I would illustrate recipes during cooking class. In the workshops I design and run in my current workplace at the Kyoto International Manga Museum, I aim to develop a way of relating people and manga, and am currently constructing a model exhibition based on personal experience.

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